Thursday, 29 August 2013

An open letter to Mr. Yasin Bhatkal

Dear Mr. Bhatkal ,
Although  your time with Indian prosecution and judicial systems have started,there is no need for you to worry much. Unless you or your accomplice plan and execute your escape from Indian jails you will now stay in Indian jails like guest of honour  of the country since you have been  our much sought after guest.While police and courts will move in slowest possible pace for your prosecution the 1st phase of which would take 10 to 15 years,Indian Govt would spend millions of tax payers money on your hospitality and in keeping you hale and hearty.I think you are aware  that your friend Tunda very recently after being captured was treated at AIIMS for his heart ailment and provided with  pace maker at the public expense-the  very same public  which were many a times subjected to his orchestrated  bomb blasts from time to time killing many innocent people.By the time your prosecution would be reaching final stage in sessions ,your many friends and well wishers in politics,your kith and kin,several human rights groups &NGOs will clamor for your release  on the ground of you being falsely implicated.Per chance even if you are prosecuted, passing through all the three stages of judiciary(sessions,Highcourt and Supreme court),which would be any time no less than 20 to 25 years,capital punishment is likely to be done away with  and the maximum you are likely to get life   imprisonment which anyway you would have spent as trial prisoner(unless SP comes in power and gives you bail) at the expense of this country's specialised  hospitality systems reserved for prestigious under trials like you  .Hence don't worry the very same people whom you were brutally subjecting to elimination from time to time  and succeeded also in good measures on many occasions will now  keep you like their guest of honour.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Is FDI the answer to all the economic evils country is facing right now

Today INR has touched down to a level(R 68.75=1$) as never before .Many reasons are attributed to this fall.Current Account Deficit due to receding exports vis a vis  galloping imports primarily of oil and gold .Besides   FDIs are also not forth coming to rescue of weakening of economy.Today Bank Paribas has estimated GDP growth of just 3.7%
From 1947 onward we started looking on foreigners rather than creating our own sound economy to reduce dependence on foreign help.In initial years it might have been necessary to depend on foreign help but not forever.Initially we were with going with begging bowl scouting for foreign help now we are going with begging bowl for FDI. Can FDIs be answer to our economic evils ?
Can any country afford to  survive on FDIs? . In 1991 when country's gold was mortgaged to Bank of England,historical  liberalisation of Economy by the very same person who has been now Country's PM for last 9 years was intitiated. with steps taken then it was believed that country's dependence on foreign money either in the form of aid or any other assistance shall get reduced and investments of foreign investors would increase.These investments were  expected to benefit to infrastructure sector which would given  boost to industrial production which in turn would have given rise to GDP and plenty of internal accruals which again could have been partly be reinvested  for infrastructure development thereby slowing dependence on FDIs on long run. But 22 years past nothing of the sort has happened.Today also we are desperately begging for FDIS .Why ?
Like Banks where NPAs spoil their balance sheets and in turn hamper their growth our country's internal accruals (read revenues)post 2004  are being increasingly being spent on non productive targets with lofty causes to elevate the misery of poors and poors' related development scheme.There are many well known schemes introduced by UPA under different Nehru Gandhi names.But did they bring the desired result or reached to target groups ?UPA chair person because of her  closed door acquaintance with country's economy may rejoice in the success of those schemes  but the fact is otherwise. Because of corrupt and defective delivery system the benefit of those schemes is not reaching to the targeted groups  and is being pocketed by middlemen-the politicians ,bureaucrats and banks.Thus the money which could have been used for productive purpose by utilising it for infrastructure development, was diverted to these so called lofty vote catching but non productive schemes with not much benefit to poors -the targeted group. And now comes Food Bill which is expected to ruin the country's economy further even though considered a master stroke by UPA chairperson and her team as winning formulae for winning the next elections while finance minister of the Govt goes on exhorting for  FDIs.
I don't think any one could be opposed to poors related benefit schemes to elevate their plight but the question is to what extent a country can afford to divert internal accruals to these schemes and depend on  FDIs for infrastructure development .Whether Indians consider Foreign institutional investors blockheads  to invest in a sinking economy as a result of internal revenues being diverted to non productive purposes how so ever lofty they are?. FDIs can serve only a limited purpose when the country's economy is booming and CAD is under reasonable control. With continuing deficit in balance of payment position(which has hardly any support from exports) Govt's war cry for  FDI  may in the long run  kill Indian economy.With  this war cry(any way very few foreign investors are getting allured to this war cry) with out strengthening our internal growth India  again going to become  a begging bowl country for foreign help rather than investments  if this tendency of massive  diversion  of country's  revenue on non productive purpose like the present food bill (howsoever lofty it may be ) is not stopped forthwith. Poverty can be partly get eliminated by higher industrial production   which can come only with growth of infrastructure and then certainly country is entitled to introduce as many poor oriented schemes with effective delivery system to elevate left over poor groups.